MP3's Cuts
from various recordings that Garth has played on:
1. You're A Bad One
2. Hard Rain
3. Talk To Me
4. Low Moon
5. Black Hearted Woman
6. Grace
7. Let It Roll (John Lee Sanders,
World Blue)
8. Back Trackin' (Andy Just, Don't
9. Presence of the Lord (Joe Goldmark,
Strong Like Bull)
10. Peaches En Regalia (Joe Goldmark,
All Over the Road)
11. Tired Soul (David Lillienthal,
12. Demo One for Pacifix (SDT Distortion
pedal, Bass Guitar)
Demo Two for Pacifix (SOV Overdrive pedal,
Bass Guitar & Drums)
14. Miles Davis Tune (live, 1986 Spain)
15. Slow Blues (Miles Davis, live 1986,
16. Powerful Stuff
17. Choose My Own Way
18. Catch That Train
19. I Got What You Need